100 Perfect Display Ad Placements for Your Business

If you’ve ever felt like display advertising is akin to piling up a mound of cash, blindfolding yourself, and then recklessly sweeping a leaf blower over the pile, sending dollar bills spewing indiscriminately in the air, then consider this your beacon of hope.

You can do display advertising with precision. With care and attention, the result can be the perfect message placed in front of the ideal prospective customer. 

Shoot us your business URL and we’ll send you a customized list of 100 webpages that have Google display ad inventory and are popular specifically among your target audience.

“Is it truly a list customized for my business or do you just send the same sites to everyone?”

If you want to have a little fun, send us another website and we’ll give our top 100 placement opportunities for them too. Site placements are just the beginning. They can become an informative launch pad for a more expansive display advertising program that includes custom affinity audiences, smart contextual targeting, and tight retargeting audiences.

Want to know how we do it and what we’d recommend doing next?
We’re happy to share our methodology. Send us a message at info@tinyhouse.marketing. We’re an open book.

Our Services


Paid Search

Google, Microsoft, Shopping, and
Apple Search Ads


Display Advertising

Google Display Network, Gmail
Sponsored Ads, and Programmatic


Social Advertising

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, Reddit, Nextdoor, and more