Paid Search

Right message. Right price. Right results.

Let's understand where each searcher is in their journey and curate your ads to their needs, providing the most compelling messaging and on-site experience possible. We structure your campaigns to maximize our understanding of each audience. With smart use of data clustering, our aim is to treat each searcher as a unique individual with unique needs. And we'll know the right price to pay for their attention to profitably drive results.


Paid Search Ads

As the ultimate direct response channel, there’s no reason your paid search campaigns shouldn’t be uber-efficient drivers of leads, purchases, or revenue. With the ever-increasing presence of bells and whistles, Tiny House leverages the newest features while keeping focus on the core elements: targeting, messaging, user experience, and bidding.


Shopping Ads

Here's something no one wants to do: pore over thousands of rows of product data. Except us! In true Tiny House fashion, we've developed a streamlined process that incorporates the industry's best feed management tools to help you deliver the right product ads to the right people.


Apple Search Ads

Same concept, slightly different rules. If you have an app that you want to promote, we’ll help you smartly play this new game with Apple Search Ads.

Learn more about our approach to growing your business.

Increase revenue. Nail ROI goals.

Case Study:
The Tiny House team generates $1 million in year-over-year profit for retailer.

A large health & wellness retailer struggled for years to achieve profitable results from their paid search campaigns. We applied a “customer first” approach, creating tight audiences for carefully curated messaging and accurate bidding insights. After months of previous agencies treating their ROAS target like an impenetrable ceiling, they busted through providing profitable results four days after launching a carefully revamped strategy. 

The profitability improvements combined with significant increases in conversion volume to lead to over $1 million in year-over-year profit in just eight months.

$300K less ad spend, $700K more revenue. The power of understanding your audience.

Turn your paid search campaigns into an efficient, revenue-driving machine.