Display Advertising

Growing awareness doesn’t have to mean blanketing the internet with your logo.

We work with clients to understand the specific areas of their business for which they want to increase exposure and then craft specific strategies to increase share of voice in that space. The results are measurable and repeatable. We help clients explore the lost art of using display advertising to smartly increase brand awareness to a target market while also, you know, turning a profit. Display ads and brand awareness might be lifelong friends, but there's room for direct response too. #YesNewFriends

 Be Where They Are

100 Specific Places for Your Business to Show Display Ads


Gmail Sponsored Ads

Tiny House has a firm grasp on who your customers are and where else they like to visit on the internet. If a prospective customer has been canoodling with a competitor, why not give them a little reminder of what makes you so different and great? Sponsored Gmail Ads are a perfect – and underutilized – way to smartly expand your reach to your desired audience.


Programmatic Advertising

The Google Display Network is a treasure trove of great placement and targeting options, but there’s a whole other world out there. Explore programmatic advertising options to access impressively precise third-party targeting data as well as exclusive inventory. Serve ads to people who have been in your competitors’ stores. Test audio ads on Spotify, Pandora, and podcasts. This is where the fun stuff happens.

Once we get your GDN program cooking, it’s time to explore the vast, often untapped world of programmatic advertising.

High engagement ads at a significantly lower cost.

Case Study:
Three-pronged prospecting strategy increases awareness among select target audience.

For a home measurement app, the Tiny House team employed a three-pronged prospecting display advertising strategy with the goal of increasing awareness among the select target audience of exterior home contractors. To find these highly sought-after contractors, we created a list of relevant search queries and combed the search results pages for telling insights.

The Tiny House team took a detailed look at the organic search results for these queries to answer to understand more specifically what people are looking for when they make these searches. What sites do they visit, what questions are they asking, what type of content do they find compelling. When aggregated, we can understand which websites they find most valuable. This information informed the three-pronged approach:


The best way to get in front of the desired audience was to seek out direct ad placements on the most relevant sites that appeared often and in high positions in search results pages for the relevant queries.


Not every site (especially competitor sites) provide display ad inventory. But we were still able to capitalize on the important fact that members of our target audience visit these pages. We created custom audiences of people who frequently visit these relevant sites, including specific pages on competitor sites. People who make these searches and click on competitor sites or other content in the search results are still highly relevant. We had an increased level of certainty that they could be in-market for the company’s services, so we served them ads as they perused other sites on the web.


The final layer of this three-pronged prospecting strategy is creating campaigns that serve ads on websites with relevant content. For this, we leveraged the original list of keywords and created tight themes to understand which type of content resonated the best with our target audience.

The results confirmed that we were placing ads in front of interested members of our target audience. Engagement with the ads was nearly five times the industry average. Additionally, by being selective about where and how ads served, we cut down on the CPM significantly.

In aggregate, these three smart display prospecting strategies provided a significant lift in brand awareness. A carefully implemented incrementality test showed that these display ads provided a 15% lift in organic search traffic when compared to when they were not active and accounting for any effects of seasonality. As more members of the target audience saw and interacted with the ads, there were increases in searches of the company’s brand name, indicating that the ads sparked interest and action.

You don’t have to indiscriminately cover the internet with your brand. By carefully customizing strategies to the company’s specific business goals and target audience, we were able to drive tangible increases in interest while minimizing ad spend.

Want to see these kind of results with your display campaigns?