The Digital Marketing Hub

Full Transparency into Tiny House Data, Strategies, and Task Management


The Audience Planner shows you the potential size, engagement, and profitability of every relevant audience on any channel.



Design your marketing strategy based on your goals and budget. Assess all relevant audiences across all digital advertising platforms. Allocate budget based on estimated size, cost, and return from each audience.


Analyze each audience’s affinity for your product, brand, website, creative, and messaging. Understand where the best results are coming from and where you need to optimize.


Leverage historical data from current efforts and carefully calibrated estimates of other, yet-to-be-tried audiences to create a clear, thoughtful roadmap. Easily understand where you are now and where you’ll be in the next three, six, or twelve months. 



Bask in the Tiny House team’s commitment to full transparency. Know exactly what is being done in each channel, by whom, when, and why.



Design your marketing strategy based on your goals and budget. Assess all relevant audiences across all digital advertising platforms.


Customized for You

Every Tiny House client gets full access to their own instance of the marketing hub, which can be customized to suit specific needs, including:

  • unique data visualization dashboards

  • content calendars

  • image and video asset repositories

  • competitive insights

  • educational knowledge base resources

 Talk to us about how we can streamline your digital marketing.